Roll on Roll off (RORO) method of shipping offers a cost effective way of shipping cars (saloon and 4×4’s), vans, minibuses, buses, trucks, tractors, agricultural machinery and plant as units are only charged for the space they take on the Vessel. We ship new and used vehicles and self-propelled machinery to Cyprus from the UK. We offer both door to port and port to port service from the UK to Cyprus. Vehicles can either be driven to the port or transported on our door to port service.
We have access to all the vessels departing from the Japan on a fortnightly basis.
While Cyprus is within the EU, there are both UK and Cypriot customs requirements that must be met. We have compiled this quick reference guide covering everything from documentation you will need to what options are available to you at destination and charges you should expect to pay when your car arrives in Cyprus. We hope this guide covers everything you need and if you have any questions please give us a call and we will be happy to help.