Personal Effects Shipping, Southampton UK

Personal Effects Shipping to and from the UK


Personal effects shipping import and export covered

YFT Logistics, Customs Brokers can help with the importation of your personal effects. Whether you are looking to import a small appliance, furniture, machinery or a recreational vehicle such as a car, boat or air plane, our customs specialists have the directed expertise to handle your non-commercial goods.
Personal Effects shipping from any country is generally less expensive in Freight costs, than replacing everything in your new country. We will make you aware of what you are paying for and all destination costs and documentary requirements of the country you wish to send your personal effects.
In order to assist with Customs clearances of your personal effects imports, we will need the following information:
1. A complete packing list describing each item being imported or a removal company inventory, with the current value of the items to be shown.
2. The value of each item stated at current market value stated in the currency used for valuation. If insurance is taken out.
3. You will need to go to the following HMRC link click here and fill out the online form before shipping to get the right information for when the goods get imported to the UK.
4. For other EU countries you will need to apply directly to that countries authorities and complete their online forms, and obtain authorisation to import your goods. The UK can no longer clear EU personal effects.

Personal Effects for Exports


  • Complete packing list/ Inventory and the estimated value and weight is required on the packing list.
  • If Insurance is taken out full current value for each item. In the Currency purchased.
  • Tor1 acceptance letter must be passed on to us for customs clearance.


At the Country of destination for exports of personal effects from the UK our agents will guide you through import procedures, attending to customs clearance on your behalf and coordinate your move to its final destination. If you are importing your Personal Effects into UK unaccompanied you are not allowed a “duty-free allowance”, but generally, except for the goods listed in the Exceptions and Prohibited Goods below, you can import your unaccompanied Personal Effects into the UK free of Duties and Taxes if you fulfil the following:


  • You have had your normal home outside the European Community for at least 12 months.
  • You have owned and used your effects for at least 6 months.


YFT Logistics handle cargo most other agents refuse to handle, so if you are a private importer look no further please contact us .

Port Health

Port Health are concerned with all imports of Personal Effects to see if they contain any types of foodstuffs or animal products as there are restrictions to the type of these goods allowed into the UK. If you have foodstuffs or animal products you wish to import and are unsure if these will be acceptable please contact us. We will see if the foods or animal products can be shipped into the UK for you.
Our dedicated team are on hand to give practical and cost effective guidance throughout your move of personal effects.
We are Members of the BIFA (British International Freight Association) and trade under their terms and conditions.
We are also Members of FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations.)
Please get in touch via our contact us page with your requirements or join us on Facebook, and we will strive to help you with your personal effects shipments.
You’re Freight Transporter.
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