YFT Logistics, Customs Brokers can help with the importation of your personal effects. Whether you are looking to import a small appliance, furniture, machinery or a recreational vehicle such as a car, boat or air plane, our customs specialists have the directed expertise to handle your non-commercial goods.
Personal Effects shipping from any country is generally less expensive in Freight costs, than replacing everything in your new country. We will make you aware of what you are paying for and all destination costs and documentary requirements of the country you wish to send your personal effects.
In order to assist with Customs clearances of your personal effects imports, we will need the following information:
1. A complete packing list describing each item being imported or a removal company inventory, with the current value of the items to be shown.
2. The value of each item stated at current market value stated in the currency used for valuation. If insurance is taken out.
3. You will need to go to the following HMRC link
click here
and fill out the online form before shipping to get the right information for when the goods get imported to the UK.
4. For other EU countries you will need to apply directly to that countries authorities and complete their online forms, and obtain authorisation to import your goods. The UK can no longer clear EU personal effects.